Saturday, February 13, 2010

Aetna Pay Premium Those Of You Against Universal Health Care, Don't You Realize...?

Those of you against Universal Health Care, don't you realize...? - aetna pay premium

If you pay a premium to Aetna, UnitedHealth, the Basel Committee, Cigna, Kaiser, etc ... You pay a health system together. Yes, you buy into "socialized" medicine. YOUR MONEY to pay for quality health care accounts of others! Can you believe it? The only difference between what you pay now and universal health care is that the money be managed by the government rather than the non-profit sector. Oh, and do not pay for things like marketing, commissions and CEO golden parachutes. Oh .. and would allow public health any doctor you choose, not just those who are "networking". Wow. It sounds terrible.


Brian said...

So number one is that, like the other members of the group list, (not pay for their own reporting or their employers pay in full or in part, not for people who do not pay into the pot.

Number two, do you think of private money for the non-profit enterprises, the federal government or a more efficient?

Tip: The profits of subsidiaries in the proper management of resources, while increasing the government only taxes to compensate for their inability to manage their money.

Pfo said...

Universal Healthcare is more expensive than the days of the war in Iraq a thousand. So far, all the money I paid in health care, I have found in more services, so I have no problem with him. People do the same for car insurance is not a system of socialization, since the membership is voluntary.

"The only difference between what you pay now and universal health care is that the money be managed by the government rather than the non-profit sector. Oh, and do not pay for things like marketing, sales commissions and CEO golden parachutes. Oh.. and government health care would choose any doctor you are not dealing only those sounds "networking." Wow. like a terrible.

Buy now, we wouldGolden parachutes for politicians. Is not that enough of us already? And no, I would be able to choose a doctor, the government would have a list of doctors and are more expensive and better quality of doctors outside the universal health care plan.

"It sounds like a terrible".

This is the only part I agree.

WCSteel said...

Therefore, the HMO. The forerunner of universal health care is a terrible idea.

Perhaps one of the Democrats running for office for these modules.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for communism in America.

McCarthy was right. He followed the wrong people.

Add: Wow, you simply change your mind. Under communism, the government controls the health care system in state checks CHU ... The health care system.

It seems as stupid as you sound.

Dana1981, Master of Science said...

You make a valid argument, and all criticisms are that a system of government will be less effective and more expensive.

The U.S. system is currently the most expensive health care in the world and the best 37th In the classification system of the World Health Organization, this argument falls apart. Many state systems are more efficient than the United States.

Ann Coulter's Nemesis said...

And the government can not deny that the health since the industry non-profit making. Finally, the system of government would not allow an administrator to choose with her doctor for you. The system we have now is very inefficient when one is deprived of health care in the name of profit. To choose an administrator who, because doctors get, but is very inefficient in the way of your relationship with your doctor. BTW, I waited an hour and a half to my doctor at Kaiser for those of you who think they are sitting in long lines to your doctor if you have universal coverage, see Health. And after 6 months of waiting to see a specialist, I am still a license from. So you have it, the governmentSystem would be much more effective if you ask me.
The government Medicare and Medicaid, and those that work very well. It also provides fire and police and, yes, the two institutions which are funded by the federal government and state and local governments. If people stand for our government and start better services and resources for education and health, the demand, we can get it. But people must begin to assert their rights because they are in power, not just turn around and give it to you.

Lampligh... said...

Since you made your point ... in abundance! Well done!

Mitchell . said...

Exactly, instead of a bookmaker "a" take 50% of the funds from the pool and then decide whether they would finance their health money to a non-governmental groups would be responsible for paying all winning services.

Even the poorest of the poor would be able to go to any doctor and get preventive health care, so that we have not fired the medical costs later. Easily pay for itself.

But health care companies give hundreds of millions of dollars to spread propaganda that the general health care that represents the collapse of American society to protect their billion dollar profits. They say the government can do anything right (even though the post office, police and fire departments, parks and streets alwaYears seem to work effectively.)

And for the man who said, "Look what the government does not show the airline industry, for my thesis. It deregulated! Reagan was a gift that was paid by the airline industry because they thought it would make billions in profits and counterproductive. Half of them have failed (the memory of National Socialism, Pan Am, TWA and Eastern Airlines?) If the government regulates the airline industry, which went smoothly and efficiently, airline meals large and comfortable aircraft BODY. Thank you Ronnie!

strike_e... said...

Sorry to mention however that the price would be for every day something like a car, the reach, since the award has not been disabled, pay all TAXES AND BUY for universal health insurance. Not that the government of my medical life. THE NO WAN tell me when, where and with whom I can see. LOOK AT Norway, the price of gasoline is $ 9 per gallon DOUBLE car prices due to the number of high taxes Defender A French Health Ministry deficit. Socialized OF POCKET COST (CO-PAY) CITIZEN is the same, if not more, than the United States. Things are good now SORRY number of uninsured is largely determined by the candidates of socialization, which is a tactic of intimidation exaggerated.

We must also remember that "uncured almost 50 million"Insurance or a number of people is deliberately misleading: most of the uninsured are uninsured by choice (mostly young and healthy, 40% of the uninsured), entitled to public health programs but have not yet signed (30% of the insured ") or simply between jobs, and they can have confidence again in a few months. And if you are, believe it or not, 20% of people in the Census Bureau as an uninsured is not a U.S. citizen. The actual number of those involuntarily uninsured and is permanently a small fraction of what socialized medicine proponents claim.

The main reason is rising costs for medical care as quickly is the missing link between the consumer (patient) and provider, which means that the consumer will not feel quite the costs and therefore has little incentive to be cautioushow much is used. (Imagine scratches insurance small car, tires and oil changes.) Introduction of a "single payer" will only exacerbate the problem. ...

B.Kevork... said...

Health insurance is like a fraud such as Universal Health Care It creates many of the same problems. There are some differences. It uses the money it collects to a return on investment other than the platform to receive, that the margin of Proffit, while the other is simply inefficient and plagued by corruption. And of course the coverage is at least theoretically, on a voluntary basis.

The biggest joke is it that the most likely form of universal health care here in America, a useful addition to the insurance industry would be. In other words, we do not have all the privately-run health insurance Proffit, why should we buy an additional option. If you do not need health insurance, you will buy if you need to do it, he struck his forehead GovernmeNT "safety net" version. This way, you / two / bureaucratic waste and inefficiency and corruption / greed of large companies are sucking your money.

The worst of both worlds.

American... said...

Obviously they have no idea how free markets and competition works to lower prices and increase product quality or service. Take a look at our education system is not socialized. Need I say more?

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