Friday, January 15, 2010

Caramel Chocolate Covered Pretzels NEED HELP With This Recipe For Chocolate-dipped Pretzels Please!?

NEED HELP with this recipe for chocolate-dipped pretzels please!? - caramel chocolate covered pretzels

So I make chocolate chip cookies covered for the first time ...

and a package of chocolate chips with milk (PIER)
Butter (What can I say?)
- Pretzels (pack was about 27 when it means something, I want them all)
- Litehouse Caramel Dip Dip cookies at this time in the thoughts ....? Chocolate
Used - spray for decoration, ice cream or gel to write cake for a shower OK? I have no time to melt the white chocolate to the top, unfortunately, real drizzle.

What is the best way to melt chocolate? I take a microwave or oven heat in a pot?

I know there are tons of recipes online. But I wanted to make chocolate and candy, I just kind of gave me, I do not know if this will work. Please share your experience in the manufacture of these!



Lucky girl said...

When I used chocolate pretzels and candy Wilton substance that can be purchased at the craft store. You can do this by melting chocolate chips. I think Nestle has a new piece of chocolate, caramel here. I have not tested, but might work.

I melt mine in a water bath, and when one of them (as I can) a dish for a pot of boiling water and heat to use. The key is, do not let the chocolate get too hot.

Sprinkle or decorate with sprinkles, which are used for the cookies.

Try packaging ... They sell bags of pretzels specific treatment in most craft stores.

If the house in Caramel Lite dip in chocolate, the texture and you are not likely to change to be configured. When you visit the site listed below, you may get some tips on what to use. This is the website of Nestle, Eagle Brand milk, and several other companies.

fifi66 said...

You really need bakers chocolate bark. Microwave for 1-2 minutes until pretzels bathroom is on parchment paper sprinkled with powdered sugar and cocoa or drizzle Caramel before dipping. Super easy to use bark Shock

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